This study integrates the resource dependence theory and network resource theory into the framework of information economics, and discusses the impact of R&D alli- ance on the loan availability of innovative firms from the perspective of certification effect and the resource effect. Using the sample of listed firms in Chi-next from 2009 to 2013, we find that the innovative firms with R&D alliance have a higher level of loan availability compared to those without the R&D alliance, namely a lower cost of bank loan and a higher availability of long-term loan. In addition, the level of asset-light and the number of patents have a nega- tive moderation effect on the relation between R&D alliance and the loan availability. Further analysis shows that diversity of R&D alliance has a positive impact on the loan availability. And the R&D alliance owns the function of resource allocation toward innovative firms, which will facilitate the long-term loan being used to R&D investment.
China Accounting Review