以皇帝蕉母株及其抽生的吸芽为试材,在单因素试验基础上,采用Design-Expert.V8.0.6软件对磷酸二氢钾和多效唑混合药剂除芽效果试验进行了方案设计,分析混合药剂不同处理的除芽效果及对香蕉母株生长的影响,结合互作效应结果,预测出最佳药剂配比并进行田间验证。结果表明:磷酸二氢钾和多效唑药剂量在1.5~8 g范围内共有13个处理组合,其中以8 g磷酸二氢钾与3.84 g多效唑混合(即配比约为2∶1时),除芽效果及对香蕉母株生长的促进作用最佳,处理3 d后吸芽外表已萎蔫、腐烂,死亡率为100%,后期多次观察未出现再生长现象。与此同时,8 g磷酸二氢钾与3.84 g多效唑处理吸芽15 d,香蕉母株假茎生长速度最快,株高和茎粗增长率分别为9.76%、6.94%,与2种药剂的互作效应分析结果相似。因此,生产上推荐磷酸二氢钾和多效唑混合配比为2∶1作为高效、安全、经济的香蕉除芽药剂。
The suckers from a mother plant of banana were used as the test material. On the basis of a single factor experiment, the experiment plan of the desuckering effect with mixed agents of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and paclobutrazol was designed using a Design-Expert 6.0 software. The desuckering effect of different mixture and the influence of the reagent on the banana mother plant growth was analyzed. Results of the interaction effect analysis and the best reagent proportion were predicted and verified in the field. Results showed among the 13 dose combinations of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and paclobutrazol in 1.5 ~8 g, the combination of 8 g potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 3.84 g paclobutrazol had the best effect on disbuding and promoting plant growth of banana. The mortality of banana sucker 3 days after was up to 100%. The treated suckers were wilted and rotten.The increasing rates of stem height and diameter 15 days after was up to 9.76% and 6.94%. Therefore, potassium dihydrogen phosphate mixed with paclobutrazol in a ratio 2 ∶ 1 is recommended as an efficient, safe and economical desuckering agent.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops