豫西地区为金、钼钨、银铅锌矿集区,经历了近50 a未间断的矿产勘查工作,近期仍在中—新生代盆地边缘查明了洛宁县老里湾大型银矿和嵩县中营大型铅矿等斑岩型矿床。结合相关地质勘探成果,详细分析了两者地质特征、矿床成因及找矿方向。研究表明:(1)老里湾银矿赋存于早白垩世第二期花岗斑岩体内,岩石具有多斑状结构,中营铅矿赋存于早白垩世第二期隐伏黑云母斑状花岗岩体上方的青磐岩化带,花岗岩呈似斑状结构,两类岩体的共同特点是基质和斜长石斑晶具有绢云母-高岭石化,成矿的共同特征是细脉状、浸染状大范围矿化,两者为一对分处岩体内外的斑岩型矿床;(2)按照透岩浆流体成矿作用理论,矿床成因为来自岩浆源区熔融残余的含矿流体再注入岩体,或透过岩体成矿于岩体上方;(3)豫西地区的成矿分带以金矿集区为中心,向外、向上依次为钼、银铅锌、铅锌、重晶石、萤石矿,中—新生代山间盆地保存了居于成矿分带上部位置的银铅锌矿,因而在豫西地区有关5个盆地的边缘和小秦岭金矿田南侧的Mo-Pb-Zn-Ag等综合异常区寻找银铅锌矿具有较大的找矿空间;(4)由于覆盖层的存在,以往水系沉积物地球化学测量和多目标土壤地球化学测量均未在中—新生代盆地边缘圈出有关异常,矿床的重力、磁场特征也被区域重力低场和长城系火山岩的跳跃磁场所掩盖,矿区下一步找矿需要试验新的具有一定穿透能力的物化探方法。
Western Henan Province is a Au,Mo-W,Pb-Zn-Ag ore accumulated area. It has experienced nearly 50 years of uninterrupted mineral exploration work. Laoliwan large silver deposit in Luoning County and Zhongying large lead deposit in Song County have been found in the edge of Meso-Cenozoic Basin. Based on the geological and exploration results of the area,the geological characteristics of Laoliwan silver deposit and Zhongying lead deposit are discussed,and the deposit genesis and prospecting directions of them are also analyzed ind detail. The study results show that:(1)Laoliwan silver deposit is existed in the second phase of Early Cretaceous granite porphyry rock mass,which with multi porphyritic texture,Zhongying lead deposit is existed in propylitization belt,that is distributed on the second phase of Early Cretaceous concealed biotite porphyritic granite rock mass,the structure of the granite is porphyriticlike texture,the common feature of the granites is the sericitization-kaolinization in matrix and plagioclase phenocryst,and the common characteristics of ore-forming is veinlet and disseminated mineralization with large scale,the Laoliwan silver deposit and Zhongying lead deposit are a pair of porphyritic deposits inside and outside of the granite rock mass;(2)according to the theory of transmagmatic fluid metallogenesis,the deposit genesis is belongs to the ore-bearing fluid that is derive from the magma source melting reside injecting rock mass again,or the mineralization occurs over the rock mass through the rock mass;(3)the metallogenic zoning of Western Henan Province is centered on gold ore accumulated area,followed by Mo,Ag-Pb-Zn,Pb-Zn,barite,fluorite deposit outward and upward,the Ag-Pb-Zn deposit that is distributed on the upper part of metallogenic zoning that is conserved in Meso-Cenozoic intermountain basin,so there area large exploring spaces in the edge of five basins related to Western Henan Province and Mo-Pb-Zn-Ag comprehensive ore accumulated area in Southern Xiaoqinling gold fi
Modern Mining
Porphyritic silver deposit,Porphyritic lead deposit,Transmagmatic fluid metallogenesis,Stream sediment survey, Soil geochemical survey, Prospecting direction