
从感性、理性和灵性三个维度解读十九大报告 被引量:8

Interpretation of the 19th CPC National Congress from Three Dimensions of Sensibility, Rationality and Spirituality
摘要 作为未来30年乃至更长时期内中共各方面发展的行动纲领,十九大报告将对中国未来产生深刻而长远的影响。如何才能够做到完整而非支离、全面而非片面、深刻非浅显地解读十九大报告的精神呢?唯有从三个维度即感性维度、理性维度和灵性维度出发去阅读,才能够做到全面完整而深刻地把握报告精神。第一个维度即感性维度。感性是美而充满生命的。十九大报告中,数字是感性的,近景素描是感性的,语言表达是感性的,要达成的目标是感性的,尤其是它要诉说的、服务的对象即人民也是被视为感性的。第二个维度即理性维度。理性是深刻而洞察的。一个伟大的事业,一定是合乎理性的。理性就是要用深刻的道理去说服人。理性诉诸历史、概念、思维、逻辑,具有深刻性、持久性特征。第三个维度就是灵性维度。仅仅从感性层面、理性层面来阅读十九大报告,仍然难以通透而不能究达天人之意。任何一个伟大事业的背后,一定有着伟大的精神支撑着、推动着。我们必须从更高的高度来理解报告所蕴藏的深邃的内在价值倡导,而这无疑是属于灵性的。总之,十九大报告,是一篇具有感性力量、理性力量和灵性力量的鸿篇巨制,也必须从感性、理性和灵性等三个维度去通读。 As a program of action for various aspects of CPC development in the next 30 years and beyond, the 19th CPC National Congress report will have a profound and long-term impact on China's future. How can we have a complete rather than fragmented, comprehensive rather than unilateral, profound rather than shallow interpretation of the spirit of the Report? The paper points out that only through the interpretation from the three dimensions of sensi- bility, rationality and spirituality can we grasp the spirit of the report. The first dimension is the perceptual dimension. Sensibility is beautiful and full of life. In the report, the figure, close shot sketch and language expression is pereep- tual. Besides, the goal to be fulfilled is perceptual. In particular, the people it intends to share the thought and serve for are regarded as perceptual. The second dimension is the rational dimension. Reason is deep and insightful which is to persuade people with profound truth. A great cause must be rational. Rationality appeals to history, concept, thinking and logic, and has the characteristics of profundity and perseverance. The third dimension is the spiritual di- mension. It is difficult to understand the meaning of the report simply from the perceptual level and the rational level. Behind any great cause, there must be a great spirit to support and promote. We must understand the profound intrin- sic value advocated in the report from a higher level which is undoubtedly spiritual.
作者 陈劲松
出处 《理论与改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期19-27,共9页 Theory and Reform
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)项目"中国特色的本土社会工作理论与实践模式研究"(项目编号:16XNI007)
关键词 三个维度 感性 理性 灵性 十九大报告 Three dimensions Sensibility Rationality Spirituality the 19th CPC National Congress report
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