畲药山当归指伞形科植物紫花前胡Angelica deeursiva(Miq.)Franch.et Sav.的根或全草,属多年生草本植物,具有降气化痰、散风清热的功效,主要用于感冒、头痛、化痰咳喘的治疗。研究表明山当归中含有丰富的香豆素类和挥发油类化合物,具有抗癌、抗炎、抗氧化、神经保护等药理活性。本文就山当归(紫花前胡)的化学成分和药理作用研究进展进行综述,为其进一步的研究开发及利用提供参考。
Traditional SHE Medicine named Shan (Miq.) Franch. which belongs to Umbelliferae family. It dang gui means the perennial herb Angelica decursiva has the effects of discending Qi and eliminating phlegm, dispelling heat and it is often used in the treatment for colds and headaches, coughing and asthma and phlegm-reducing. It demonstrated that A. decursiva has various types of coumarin derivatives and essential oils and many of these compounds have been reported to possess numerous pharmacological activities such as antitumor, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective activities. The progresses in the research of chemical constituents and pharmacological activities are summarized in this review and it will provide reference for further research and exploitation ofA. decursiva.
Shan dang gui, Angelica decursiva, Chemical constituents, Pharmacological activities