目的本文旨在研究流出道室性早搏(流出道室早)的室早负荷与心率和昼夜节律的关系,从而探索流出道室早的发作规律。方法 135例流出道室早的患者入选,根据动态心电图(Holter)的24小时室早总数(室早负荷)分为5组:Groupl(<5000个/24h),Group2(5000-10000个/24h),Group3(10000-20000个/24h),Group4(20000-30000个/24h)和Group5(>30000个/24h)。分析每组室早负荷和平均心率的关系;将全天24小时分为4个时间段(6AM^12PM,12PM^6PM,6PM^12AM和12AM^6AM),来分析室早的昼夜分布规律。结果室早负荷与心率呈正相关(r=0.379,P<0.05),但只在Group3中室早负荷与平均心率呈显著正相关(r=0.561,P<0.05)。室早发作呈昼夜分布趋势,但只在Group3和Group4室早发作呈明显的昼夜节律(P<0.05),即夜间室早发作明显少。结论只有特定负荷下流出道室早(10000~30000个/24h)与平均心率相关并有明显的昼夜节律。
Objective The present study is to investigate the association of OT-PVCs(Outflow tract premature ventricular contractions)overload with heart rate(HR) and the circadian pattern. The analysis could provide information to evaluate occurrence of OT-PVCs. Methods One hundred and thirty five OT-PVCs patients were enrolled. Patients were divided into Group 1(5000/24 h), Group2(5000-10000/24 h),Group3(10000-20000/24 h), Group4(20000-30000/24 h) and Group5(30000/24 h) based on the sum of the PVCs evaluated by the 24 h Holter. The relationship between PVCs overload and mean HR was analyzed in each group. The distribution of PVCs was assessed by grouping the events into four time periods: 6 AM to 12 PM, 12 PM to 6 PM, 6 PM to 12 AM, and 12 AM to 6 AM. Results PVCs were positively associated with mean HR, especially in Group3(P〈0.05). The occurrence of PVCs had a trend of circadian variation. Only in group 3 and group 4, the occurrence of PVCs showed an apparent circadian variation with a nadir about at midnight.(P〈0.05) Conclusion In certain overload of OT-PVCs(10000-30000/24 h), an apparent circadian variation and evident correlations between PVCs and mean HR were found.
Molecular Cardiology of China
Outflow Tract Premature Ventricular Contractions
Heart Rate
Circadian Distribution