

The Four Relationships to be dealt with in the Decentralization Reform of Revitalization of the Old Northeast Industrisal Base
摘要 振兴东北地区等老工业基地战略实施十多年来,取得明显成效和阶段性成果。然而由于适应把握引领经济新常态能力偏弱,东北老工业基地迟迟无法在市场难作为、经济难振兴、社会难发展和民生难保障的发展困境中破困前行。目前东北老工业基地发展所面临的诸多矛盾与挑战,归根结底是体制机制的问题,坚持全面深化改革,破除体制机制障碍,进一步简政放权,优化营商环境是振兴东北老工业基地的治本之策。须正确认识与处理简政放权中内与外、"端菜"与"点菜"、放与管及普遍与特殊四大关系,实现内外兼顾,放管结合,需求导向,普遍与特殊的辩证统一,从而杜绝揩油企业、截留政策、上下其手、滋生腐败等政府管理问题的发生,为东北老工业基地的全面振兴放活力、添动力、增效益。 The strategy of revitalizing northeastern old industrial base has been implemented for more than 10 years,which has made remarkable achievements.However,due to the weakness in adapting,grasping and leading of the economic new normal, the northeast has been unable to make achievements in markets,revitalize in economy develop in society and make guarantee in people's livelihood for a long period.Currently, the paradoxes and challenges the northeast ultimately facing result from the problem of institutional mechanisms.The fundamental solution of the revitalization of northeast is to continue deepening reform in an all-round way, break down institutional barriers,further streamline administration and improve the business environment.To realize the comprehensive revitalization of northeast, it' s necessary to properly understand and handle the four relationships in the government streamlining: the internal and external, the " serving" and " ordering", the autonomy and heteronomy and the general and the special.By means of this it can realize the consideration of both the internal and external, combination of autonomy and heteronomy, oriental-demanded, and the dialectic unity of general and special.Meanwhile, it can also eliminate the problems of the government management,such as skimping on companies, intercepting policies, acting in collusion and causing corruption.
作者 孙萍 李倩夫
出处 《理论界》 2017年第11期119-124,共6页 Theory Horizon
基金 国家社科基金项目"治理现代化背景下县级政府‘政策转换’的实证研究"(16BZZ064)的阶段性成果
关键词 东北老工业基地振兴 简政放权 政府职能转变 the revitalization pf northeastern old industrial base, streamline administration, transformationof government functions
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