随着经济社会的快速发展,我国交通事故总量在逐年增加,怎样处理交通事故对道路交通系统所带来的影响变得尤为重要。近几年,车间通讯技术(Inter-vehicle communication,简称IVC)成为智能交通(Intelligent Transportation System,简称ITS)领域的一个热点课题,而且车间通信技术已经被应用到各种交通问题的研究当中。结合交通流元胞自动机模型,将具有车间通信功能的智能车辆及其演化规则引入到该模型当中,研究了其对事故双车道系统的影响。模型中,智能车辆能够实时接收到下游智能车辆传递的交通信息,从而通过换道来避免交通堵塞。通过计算机数值模拟,结果显示,没有智能车辆存在时,系统将会出现大面积交通阻塞,考虑智能车辆后,道路交通阻塞就会得到有效缓解,甚至当智能车辆比例达到一定时,系统交通阻塞将会消失,此时系统处于自由流状态。此外,考虑到车间通讯可能对系统进车率产生影响,我们研究了非对称进车率情况下的道路交通流。结果发现,非对称进车率可以有效地减少系统中智能车辆因换道而产生的车间干扰。
With the rapid development of economic society,the total traffic accidents in China increased year by year. How to deal with the effects of traffic accident on the road traffic has become an urgent problem. In recent years,Inter-vehicle communication(IVC) become a hot topic in the field of Intelligent Transportation System(ITS),and IVC has been applied to the study of various kinds of traffic problems. Combining with the traffic flow cellular automaton model,this paper added Intelligent vehicles and new updating rules into the model. In the model,Intelligent vehicles can receive the real-time traffic information transmitted by other vehicles from downstream and they will change lanes to avoid traffic jam.Through computer numerical simulation,the results show that traffic flow system will appear a large area blocking with no intelligent vehicles. While,the situation of traffic jam will be improved when we consider intelligent vehicles. The traffic jam can even disappear when the proportion of intelligent vehicles reach an certain value and the traffic flow system will stay free flow. In addition,IVC may affect the injection rate of Intelligent vehicles. Therefore,we study the road traffic flow with asymmetric injection rate. The results show that asymmetric injection rate can effectively reduce the disturbance induced by lane changing of intelligent vehicles.
Highway Engineering