目的:通过不同前处理方法对大米中敌敌畏残留量的测定比较,为检测大米中敌敌畏方法提供更多选择性参考。方法:采用国标GB/T 5009.20-2003改进法及QuEchERS两种不同前处理方法,用气相色谱对敌敌畏进行检测,对两种处理方法的线性相关性、稳定性及添加回收率等参数测定结果进行比较。结果:线性范围为0.008~0.2μg/mL时,两种处理方法检测结果与敌敌畏浓度都呈良好的线性关系,相关系数都大于0.999。在0.01、0.05、0.1 mg/kg加标水平下,每个浓度做6个平行样,采用国标GB/T 5009.20-2003改进法,敌敌畏回收率为84.8%~85.43%,RSD为2.18%~2.61%;采用QuEchERS法,敌敌畏的回收率为81.53%~84.51%,RSD为1.17%~4.91%。结论:两种前处理方法没有明显的差异,完全达到对大米中敌敌畏残留检测要求。
Objective: Though different pretreatment methods for the determination of dichlorvos residues in rice, in order to supply more selective reference for the detection of rice dichlorvos method. Method: Two kinds of different pretreatment methods by using national standard GB/T 5009.20-2003 improved and QuEchERS method, the sample was detected by GC, and then the liners relevancy, stsability and adding recovery rate of these two method were compared. Result: The linear range were between 0.008 μg/mL and 0.2 μg/mL, Two methods of processing and dichlorvos concentration had good linear relationship, with correlation coefficient is greater than 0.999. At three spiked concentration levels (0.01, 0.05,0.1 mg/kg), 6 parallel sample per concentration, the recoveries of dichlorvos in rice by method 1 ranged from 84.8% to 85.4%, with relative standard deviations (RSD) of 2.18% ~ 2.61%; the recoveries of dichlorvos in rice by method 2 ranged from 84.8% to 85.4%, with relative standard deviations (RSD) of 1.17% ~ 4.91%. Conclusion: There no obvious difference between two methods, and the detection of the dichlorvos residue in rice.
Modern Food