目的:评估白内障超声乳化联合人工晶状体(IOL)植入术后动态视力(DVA)获益。方法:前瞻性队列研究。2012 年5 月至2013 年8 月于北京大学第三医院行双眼白内障手术的年龄相关性白内障患者23例(46眼)为白内障组,健康中老年人26例(52眼)为对照组。术前及术后1个月,检查视标速度为15、30、60、90 dps的DVA,1.5、3、6、12、18 cpd的对比敏感度(CS)。计量资料比较采用t检验及秩和检验,Pearson相关分析DVA获益与CS获益的相关性。结果:术后,患者15、30、60、90 dps各速度DVA较术前提高,差异有统计学意义(Z=-4.110、-4.109、-4.110、-4.110,P 〈 0.001)。各速度DVA获益均高于静态视力(SVA)获益(t=-3.596、-5.304、-6.220、-6.170,P 〈 0.01)。SVA及DVA获益与低频CS获益相关(rSVA^1.5 cpd=0.780,rSVA^3 cpd=0.839,r15 dps^1.5 cpd=0.746,r15 dps^3 cpd=0.692,r30 dps^1.5 cpd=0.775,r30 dps^3 cpd=0.719,r60 dps^1.5 cpd=0.718,r60 dps^3 cpd=0.590,r90 dps^1.5 cpd=0.636,r90 dps^3 cpd=0.561;P 〈 0.01);中速DVA获益与中频CS获益相关(r30 dps^12 cpd=0.537,r60 dps^12 cpd=0.554;P 〈 0.01);高速DVA获益与中高频CS获益相关(r90 dps^12 cpd=0.562,r90 dps^18 cpd=0.542;P 〈 0.01)。结论:白内障手术可有效重建DVA,DVA获益与CS获益存在频率依赖的相关性。
Objective: To measure the restoration of dynamic visual acuity (DVA) after phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, 23 cases of age-related cataract (46 eyes) were recruited from May 2012 to August 2013. The control group comprised 26 eldervolunteers (52 eyes) with clear crystalline lenses. Binocular DVA at speeds of 15, 30, 60, and 90 degrees per second (dps) was measured by logarithmic visual acuity chart at baseline and 1 month postoperatively. Binocular contrast sensitivity (CS) at 1.5, 3, 6, 12, and 18 cycles per degree (cpd) was tested under photopic conditions. Comparisons between groups were made with Wilcoxon signed ranks tests, paired t-tests, or Mann-Whitney U tests. Pearson correlation analysis was used to detect the correlation between DVA andCS. Results: Preoperative DVA at 15, 30, 60, and 90 dps was significantly lower in the cataract group than in the control group (Z=-5.692, -5.601, -5.639, -5.556; P〈0.001 each). Postoperatively, DVA at the four speeds improved significantly (Z=-4.110, -4.109, -4.110, -4.110; P〈0.001 each), which was comparable to the control group at each speed. Compared with static visual acuity (SVA), the improvements of DVA at 15, 30, 60, and 90 dps were significant (t=-3.596, -5.304, -6.220, -6.170; P〈0.01 each). Improvements of SVA and DVA at all speed levels correlated with improvements of CS at low spatial frequency (rSVA-1.5 cpd=0.780, rSVA-3 cpd=0.839, r15 dps-1.5 cpd=0.746, r15 dps-3 cpd=0.692, r30 dps-1.5 cpd=0.775, r30 dps-3 cpd=0.719, r60 dps-1.5 cpd=0.718, r60 dps-3 cpd=0.590, r90 dps-1.5 cpd=0.636, r90 dps-3 cpd=0.561; P〈0.01).Improvements of DVA at 30 and 60 dps correlated with improvements of CS at medium spatial frequency (r30 dps-12 cpd=0.537, r60 dps-12 cpd=0.554; P〈0.01). Improvements of DVA at 90 dps correlated with improvements of CS at medium to high spatial frequency (r90 dps-12 cpd=0.562, r90 dps-18 cpd=0.542; P〈0.01).
Chinese Journal Of Optometry Ophthalmology And Visual Science