基于Android开发地铁沉降监测预警系统,分析系统的业务和功能需求,构建系统整体架构并加以实现。整个系统由地铁沉降监测APP和在线预警系统组成,APP作为地铁沉降监测工具,对所采集的原始数据进行平差计算,并实时将原始数据和结果数据上传至在线预警系统,在线预警系统基于SOA(service-oriented architecture)架构,使用GIS技术展示监测点信息并反馈预警信息。沉降监测APP和在线预警系统协调工作,实现弱人为干扰沉降数据的采集和实时预警,改善传统地铁沉降监测作业模式中存在的人为干扰因素多、数据实时性差等问题,降低沉降监测管理的难度,为地铁建设安全施工和运营提供支持。
This paper researches and realizes a settlement monitoring and early-warning system for subway based on Android.It analyzes the business and functional requirements of the system,and then constructs the whole structure of the system.The system includes a settlement monitoring APP and an online early-warning application.The APP collects the raw data to calculate adjustment,then uploads their results to the online early-warning application.The online early-warning application uses GIS technology to display and render the information about monitoring point based on SOA(service-oriented architecture).By the coordination of these two applications,weak-jamming settlement data-detecting,real-time monitoring and early-warning have been realized.As a result,this system can provide support for subway safe construction and safe operation.
Journal of Geomatics