随着汽车轻量化的快速发展,高强度热轧汽车用钢在商用车上得到大量使用,利用微合金强化技术,配合控轧控冷工艺,安钢在1 780 mm热连轧生产线上研发了抗拉强度600 MPa级的高强度汽车大梁钢。随着钢铁技术的进步和生产工况条件的改变,低合金高强度钢AG610L等一大批相对成熟品种的化学成分体系需要重新定位,控轧控冷工艺需要随之调整、优化。通过减量化生产工艺研究,在保证用户的使用要求的前提下,可以进一步降低该钢种的生产成本。
With the rapid development of lightweight design on automobile industry, high strength hot-rolled automo?tive steel are widely used on commercial vehicles, the tensile strength of 600 MPa grade high strength automobile beamsteel are developed by using the micro-alloying strengthening technology and the controlled rolling and controlled coolingprocess in 1 780 mm strip production line of Anyang Steel. With the progress of iron and steel technology and the change ofworking conditions of production, a large number of high strength low alloy steel are developed to be mature relatively, sothe chemical composition system of them need to reposition, and the controlled rolling and controlled cooling process needto be adjusted and optimized. Through the research of alloy reduction process, the production cost of the steel grade can befurther reduced on the premise of guaranteeing the using demand of the users.
Henan Metallurgy
micro-alloying controlled rolling and controlled cooling high strength hot-rolled strip of automobile industry