‘青城翠’Chimonobambusa quadrangularis‘Qingchengcui’属于竹亚科Bambusoideae方竹属Chimonobambusa Makino的方竹Ch.quadrangularis(Fenzi)Makino,2003年发现于四川省崇州市万家乡(后更名为文井江镇)万家社区的方竹栽培居群中,同年作为大熊猫主食竹引入都江堰市大观镇桃源村和玉堂镇龙凤村,是方竹属的方竹变异植株经进一步选优、分离、培育而成的栽培竹新品种。‘青城翠’与方竹栽培型‘Quadrangularis’的关键区别在于:前者秆基部的气生根特别发达,竹笋上半部呈明显翠绿色,翠绿部分约占笋长的1/2左右,整体色彩艳丽,且笋质更脆嫩、口感更佳,大熊猫和人均喜食用;后者秆基部的气生根不及前者发达,竹笋整体偏黄,仅尖端微绿,整体色彩相对单调,大熊猫喜食程度相对较次。
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis ‘Qingchengcui ' is a new bamboo cultivar from Ch. quadrangularis(Fenzi) Makino in Chimonobambusa Makino of Bambusoideae. In 2003,the cultivar was found in the plantation of Ch. quadrangularis,Wanjia Town( now renamed as Wenjingjiang Town) of Chongzhou City,Sichuan Province. At the same time,this bamboo cultivar was introduced into Taoyuan Village of Daguan Town and Longfeng Village of Yutang Town,in Dujiangyuan City,as the main food source for the giant panda. The new cultivar was developed by further optimization,separation and cultivation from Ch. quadrangularis. The key differences between‘Qingchengcui'and ‘Quadrangularis',a cultivated form of Ch. Quadrangularis are that the spine-aerial root on the former are well developed; the bamboo shoots show emerald and the emerald part takes a half of the shoot; the color of whole bamboo is gorgeous; the shoots are more crisp and tender and taste better than ‘Quadrangularis '. Both of people and giant panda like to eat the shoots. The spine-aerial root on the culm base of the latter is less developed than the former,and the bamboo shoots are yellow with slight green tips. The overall bamboo is mono-colored. The giant pandas have a relatively lower appetite for ‘Quadrangularis' shoots as food.
World Bamboo and Rattan
Chimonobambusa, Chimonobambusa quadrangularis , ‘ Qingchengcui ’ , bamboo cultivar