The main bridge of the Oujiang River North Estuary Bridge in Wenzhou is a triple-tower and double-deck steel truss girder suspension bridge with span arrangement (215 + 2×800 + 275) m. The foundation for the middle tower of the bridge is the open caisson that has the plan di-mensions of 66. 0X55. 0 m at its top and total height of 68. 0 m. To understand the local scouring situations of the riverbed at the time the caisson was landed and positioned there, the local scou-ring depth and scouring patterns of the riverbed during the landing and positioning of the caisson were researched through the closed water tank tests. The results of the research reveal that the lo-cal scouring of the riverbed is very severe and the caisson may title and turn about at the early stage as it is landed onto the riverbed and sinks down. To ensure that the caisson can be landed and can sink down stably and safely, the 2〇 -m range of the riverbed around the caisson is pre-protected by the method of riprapping the protection layers. The protection layers incorporate the reverse filte-ring layer (the graded sand of 0. 8 m thick) and the surface protection layer (the cracked stones of particle size of 5 cm and 2. 2 m thick). After the construction of the pre-protection layers, the filed inspection tells that the offsetting of the center of the caisson landed onto the riverbed is 11 cm and the plan turning of the caisson is 0. 21°, which are all less than the allowable values and the geo-metric posture of the caisson is well controlled, showing that the pre-protection techniques here-with can effectively reduce the local scouring and ensure the precision of the landing and positio-ning of the caisson.
Bridge Construction
suspension bridge
open caisson
local scouring
scouring depth
scouring pat-tern
riverbed pre-protection
bridge construction