

Design and implementation of intelligent IC card water meter management system based on cloud service
摘要 文章针对现有的智能IC卡分体式水控机,研究一种基于云服务的智能IC卡水表管理系统,对水控机实现计时、计量、单次计时、单次计量收费模式应用,并实现IC的充值、计费、预付费等功能。借助计算机云服务平台,对水控机的信息实施远程监控,并开发手机APP无线化远程监控系统。可有效跟踪设备状况及用户个人信息,为客户提供高质量的服务和应用。 Aiming at the existing split type intelligent IC card water control machine, this paper studies a kind of intelligent IC card watermeter management system based on cloud service, which realizes the application of water meter timing, metering, single time counting andsingle metering charging mode IC recharge, billing, prepaid fees and other functions. With the help of computer cloud service platform, wecan remotely monitor the information of water control machines and develop the wireless remote monitoring system of mobile phones APP.The personal information can effectively track the status of the equipment and the user, provide services and applications of high qualityfor the customer.
作者 孙红军
出处 《无线互联科技》 2018年第4期129-130,共2页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 云服务 IC卡 水表管理系统 APPLE线化远程监控 cloud service IC card water meter management system APP wireless remote monitoring
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