目的 建立瑶药三角风的质量控制方法。方法 采用性状鉴别、显微鉴别和TLC法对三角风进行定性鉴别;按《中国药典》2010年版附录中收载的方法对三角风进行水分、总灰分、酸不溶性灰分、浸出物等检查;采用HPLC测定三角风中常春藤皂苷元的含量。结果 三角风的药材性状、显微鉴别特征明显,12批样品的TLC鉴别斑点清晰;药材水分为9.9%~11.0%,总灰分为4.0%~9.7%,酸不溶性灰分为0.1%~0.8%,醇溶性浸出物为7.0%~12.7%;常春藤皂苷元的含量为0.03%~1.19%。结论 所用瑶药三角风的质量评价方法可作为制订质量标准的依据。
OBJECTIVE To establish the quality control method of Hedera sinensis Herba. METHODS H. sinensis Herba was indentified by macroscopical, microscopic identification and TLC methods. The content of moisture, total ash, acid -insoluble ash and extractum were tested according to ChP 2010 ; and the content of hederagenin was tested by HPLC. RESULTS Macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of H. sinensis Herba were conspicuous. The spot of TLC were clear in twelve batches of sample, the content of moisture in crude medicine were 9.9% - 11.0%, the content of total ash were 4.0% -9.7%, the content of acid - insolubal ash were 0. 1% -0.8% , the content of alcohol - soluble extract were 7.0% - 12.7% , and the content of hederagenin were 0.03% - 1.19%. CONCLUSION The methods provide experimental basis for the quality standard of H. sinensis Herba.
West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences