目的建立一种使用分离胶促凝管联合基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)的方法直接检测血培养中阳性菌的方法。方法收集阳性血培养标本318例,利用分离胶促凝管直接从血培养瓶中富集并提纯菌体,采用MALDI-TOF MS对革兰阴性菌进行菌种鉴定,同时分离纯菌落用Phoenix-100全自动微生物分析系统进行鉴定。结果 292例单菌株感染血培养瓶中,两种方法对菌株的种、属鉴定符合率分别为82.4%和22.7%。在26例复合菌感染中,两种方法鉴定出其中一种细菌的种、属鉴定率分别为79.3%和10.3%。结论本研究建立了采用分离胶促凝管联合MALDI-TOF MS法直接检测血培养中阳性菌的方法,与传统的培养鉴定方法相比,对血流感染具有更高灵敏度,适合在临床微生物实验室中推广应用。
Objective To establish a separation using glue coagulant pipe joint matrix assisted laserparsing ionization time of flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS) method for direct detection ofpositive blood culture method.Methods 318 of positive blood culture samples were collected andthe bacterial was purified by using the separation gel coagulation tubea and directly analyzed byMALDI-TOF MS system. At the same time all the samples were also identified by conventionalbacterial identification methods with Phoenix-100 system.Results In 292 of single strain samples,the coincidence rate by the glue coagulant pipe joint MALDI-TOF MS method and the conven鄄tional bacterial identification method were 82.4% and 22.7% respectively.In 26 cases of compoundbacterium infection,the glue coagulant pipe joint MALDI-TOF MS method can identified 79.3%samples with one species out of the compound bacterium, while the conventional bacterial identi鄄fication method was only 10.3%.Conclusion Our study established the separation gel coagulationtube joint MALDI-TOF MS method for direct detection of positive blood culture method.
SHENG Wei-xiang;WU Liang;SHI Wei-feng;WANG Yu-yue(Changzhou First People'sHospital,Changzhou 213000 China;Third Hospital of Changzhou University,Changzhou 213000China;The Jiangsu University Medical School,Zhenjiang 212000 China)
Modern Diagnosis and Treatment