This research focuses on the frontline staff of China hotel industry, discusses the impact of emotional intelligence on job satis- faction and what mechanisms exist between the two variables. It has great significance to the service organization management implications. Based on the conservation of resources theory, the emotional intelligence as the independent variable, the surface acting and the deep acting strategies as the mediator variable, the job satisfaction as the dependent variable, the perceived organizational support as the moderator variable, we construct the conceptual model of the emotional intelligence on the job satisfaction. Questionnaires were distributed by 7 hotels to frontline employees working at different de- partments of the hotels and 279 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The study used Hierarchical Regression Analysis to analyze the mod- erating effect of perceived organizational support. The mediating ef- fect of surface acting and deep acting were analyzed by path analysis. The moderated mediation effect is analyzed using the path analysis of MPLUS7.0 software. Results indicate that Emotional Intelligence has a positive impact on job satisfaction; surface acting isn't a medi- ator between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction; deep acting was found to have partially mediate the positive relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction; perceived organizational support moderated the negative relationship between surface acting and job satisfaction and the positive relationship between emotional intelligence and deep acting and the positive relationship between deep acting and job satisfaction. In further analysis, perceived or- ganizational support moderated the latter path of mediating effects of emotional intelligence through deep acting on job satisfaction; meanwhile, perceived organizational support moderated the former path of mediating effects of emotional intelligence through surface acting on job satisfaction. The above findings revealed the mecha- nis
Nankai Business Review
Hotel Front-line Staff
Emotional Intelligence
PerceivedOrganizational Support
Emotional Labor Strategies
Job Satisfaction