
160 km/h交流传动快速客运电力机车通风系统 被引量:2

160 km/h AC Drive Fast Passenger Electric Locomotive Ventilation System
摘要 分别从牵引通风、机械间通风、复合冷却塔通风、司机室空调通风等方面详细论述160 km/h交流传动快速客运电力机车的通风系统,得到了牵引通风系统内各流动参数的分布规律,并总结出160 km/h机车通风系统的主要技术特点。希望此项研究对牵引通风系统的设计具有一定的参考价值。 This paper introduces the ventilation system of 160 km/h AC drive passenger electric locomotive traction,respectively from mechanical ventilation, ventilation, cooling tower cab composite ventilation, air conditioning and ventilation etc. in detail, the distribution of the traction flow parameters in the ventilation system, and summarizes the main technical characteristics of km/h 160 locomotive ventilation the system, hope that this study has a certain reference value for the design of traction ventilation system.
出处 《机械管理开发》 2018年第1期18-20,共3页 Mechanical Management and Development
关键词 通风系统 牵引通风 机械间通风 复合冷却塔通风 司机室空调通风 ventilation system ventilating mechanical ventilation ventilation of composite cooling tower airconditioning ventilation in cab
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