With Qin Bamboo Slips of Liye,we can found that the vast majority of official documents exchanged between Township Officials,County Staffs,Military assistant of County Magistrate in the Qin Dynasty were required to transfer via the County Magistrate, Civil Assistant of County Magistrate; Township Officials, County Staffs, Military assistant of County Magistrate had no authority to receive and send other county's official documents independently. This power was rested in the County Magistrate and his Civil Assistant; The County Magistrate and his Civil Assistant can cross the prefecture to which they belonged and directly contact with their official documents the County Magistrate,his Civil Assistant and even prefect,Military assistant of prefect in other regions; From current findings,only when official documents convey purpose county unknown or all purpose counties in the same prefecture,the county-documents cross prefecture need to be forwarded by the prefect or his Military assistant to which purpose county belonged; Official documents between the inter-county in the Qin Dynasty generally followed the receive-send principles of the "County Magistrate to County Magistrate,Civil Assistant to Civil Assistant ". But when the County Magistrate or his Civil Assistant is not in the department or vacancy,the other party can replace its clerical. This accommodation is also applicable in both documents dealings with superiors. In general,the County Magistrate and Civil Assistant were at the center position with local administrative instruments in the Qin Dynasty.
Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
Qin Dynasty
Qin Bamboo Slips of Liye
peer official documents in different ameas
Local Officials