
野生豹猫人工育幼的初步观察 被引量:2

Hand-Rearing of Leopard Cats( Prionailurus bengalensis)
摘要 广西陆生野生动物救护研究与疫源疫病监测中心于2016年3月15日接收到由广西森林公安送来的3只约10日龄的豹猫幼崽,对其进行了成功的救护,并对救护与育幼过程进行记录和观察。本研究重点记录了野生豹猫救护过程中人工育幼阶段的人工育幼流程、人工育幼饲喂方法、人工育幼环境、野化训练规划及疾病防治。在人工育幼过程中,豹猫幼崽因线虫感染而出现便血拉稀的现象,经口服芬苯达唑25 mg/只后病情逐渐得到控制。之后口服甲硝唑2 mg/只/d,连续口服4 d后,豹猫幼崽粪便均正常。育幼至39日龄时,其中1只豹猫幼崽因吐奶导致能量输入不足引起的低血糖。对其进行辅助口服50%葡萄糖注射液8 mL,进食约1 mL后,恢复正常。豹猫属于广西重点保护动物,本研究旨在成功完成豹猫幼崽的人工育幼并顺利转入野化训练,以便为野生动物的人工育幼和豹猫的保护工作提供一些基础资料。 On 15 March 2016, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Terrestrial Wildlife Medical-aid and Epidemic Diseases Monitoring Research Center received three leopard cat cubs (about ten days old). We successfully rescued these cubs, and recorded and observed the process of res- cue and hand rearing. This study focused on recording the process, feeding methods, environ- ment, wildness training, and disease prevention during the hand rearing period. In the hand rearing process, leopard cat cubs suffered diarrhea and hematochezia due to nematode infection. The symptom was controlled after oral dosage of fenbendazole at 25 mg/day. After given oral metron- idazole 2 mg/day for 4 days, feces of the leopard cat cubs became normal. At 39 days, a leop- ard cat cub showed hypoglycemia due to insufficient energy input caused by milk" regurgitation. We feed the cub with 50% Glucose Injection and the cub returned to normal after intaking about 1 mL. Leopard cat is listed as a protected species of Guangxi Province. This study aimed to hand-rear leopard cat cubs and successfully transfer them to re-wilding training, in order to provide basic data for wild animal hand-rearing and leopard cat protection.
出处 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2018年第1期30-34,共5页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE
关键词 豹猫 人工育幼 野生动物救护 Leopard cat Artificial rearing Wildlife rescue
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