4H.Armaris,C.Vilar,et al.,Frequency domain analysis of flicker produced by wind energy conversions systems,Paper accepted for presentation at the 8《'th》 international conference on harmonics and quality of power ICHQP' 98,jointly organized by IEEE/PES and NTUA,Athens,Greece,October 14 -16,1998. 被引量:1
5Carolina Vilar Moreno,Hortensia Amaris Duarte,Julio Usaola Carcia,Propagation of flicker in electric power networks due to wind energy conversions systems,IEEE Transactions on energy conversion,Vol.17,No.2,June 2002. 被引量:1
6Torbjorn Thiringer,Jau-Ake,Dahlberg,Periodic power pulsalions from a three-bladed wind turbine,www.elkraft,chalmers.se/Publikationer/EMKE,publ/Abstracts/Alsvik,pdf. 被引量:1
7Stephen B.Bayne,Michael G.Giesselmann,Effect of blade passing on a wind turbine output,Release A:Copyright 2000 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 被引量:1
8M.Davidson,Interaction of a wind farm with the distribution network and its effect on voltage quality,1996 the institution of electrical engineers,Printed and published by the IEE,Savoy Place,London WC2R OBL.UK. 被引量:1
9M.P.Papadopoulos,S.A.Papathanassion,et al.Investigation of the flicker emission by connected wind turbines,Paper accepted for presentation at the 8《'th》 international conference on harmonics and quality of power ICHQP'98,jointly organized by IEEE/PES and NTUA,Athens,Greece,October 14-16,1998. 被引量:1
10John Olav Giaever Tande,Giorgos relakis et al.,Synchronisalion of wind turbines,Wind power for 21《'st》 century,25-27Sept.2000,Kassel,germany,Subject number:3,www.energy,sintof,no/prosjnyt/levkval/vindkrft/sync.paper01,pdf. 被引量:1