[Objective] To explore the factors impacting the ultra-short-course chemotherapy of spinal tuberculosis after operation. [Methods] From January 2004 to December 2013, 211 patients with spinal tuberculosis were surgically treated in De- partment of Spinal Surgery, General Hospital of Ningxia Medical University. Of them, 120 patients got the ultra-short-course chemotherapy, whereas the remaining 91 patients received the non-short-course chemotherapy. A logistic regression analysis was conducted to compare the relative intensity of the variables between the two groups, including therapy for primary or recur- rent lesion, age, with or without accompanied diseases before operation, with or without active tuberculosis in other sites, ane- mia, segment involved, abscess, surgical staging, material of graft used, extent of debridement, bone grafting approach, extent of drug resistance and so on, to probe the factors that might affect the outcome of the ultra-short-course chemotherapy. [Results] The one-way logistic regression analysis revealed that significant correlations between the ultra-short course chemotherapy and the factors, including the extent of debridement, bone grafting approach and segment involved (P〈0.05). In addition, the multi- variate logistic regression analysis showed that the odds ratio (OR) ranked as the following order: the extent of debridement (116.091) , bone grafting approach (5.252), and segment involved (0.241) . It implied that the radical debridement and strut bone grafting would be the favorable factors for the ultra-short course chemotherapy, while the more segments involved would be an unfavorable factor for the ultra-short course chemotherapy. [Conclusion] For the ultra-short-course chemotherapy of spi-nal tuberculosis, the segments involved by the lesions should be uncontrollable factors, whereas the extent of debridement and whether or not strut bone grafting should be controllable factors. Properly handling the controllable factors, the ultra- short-course ch
Orthopedic Journal of China
ultra-short-course chemotherapy, spinaltuberculosis, radical debridement, strut bone grafting