
幼儿园改造社区养老设施的设计探索 被引量:3

Design and Exploration of Transforming Kindergarten into Elderly Caring Facility
摘要 闲置幼儿园是有价值的社区养老空间资源,通过案例、实证和设计实践,探索闲置幼儿园改造社区养老设施的设计方法有现实意义。闲置幼儿园有日照、区位与院落的优势,也有平面布局、垂直交通和开放性的不足。基于问题导向的研究方法,通过上海市某闲置幼儿园改造案例W设施的设计加以验证。针对闲置幼儿园的普遍问题与社区养老设施的社区属性,提出了面向全人群的社区花园、强调开放共享的界面与功能组织、在平面中部新增电梯建立交通核心,以及利用九宫格布局组织功能与设备等设计策略,为之后同类型的改造设计提供了经验与方法借鉴。 Idle kindergarten is a valuable resource for community elderly caring space. Through case studies, empirical studies and design practices, it is of practical significance to explore the design method of transforming idle kindergarten into community elderly caring facility, Idle kindergartens have advantages in the aspects of sunshine, location and courtyard; but also have the deficiencies in the aspect of layout, vertical transportation and openness. Based on the problem-oriented research method, this article validates it through the design of translbrming W lhcility in an idle kindergarten in Shanghai. Based on the common problems of idle kindergartens and the community attributes of community-based elderly caring facility, this article puts [brward "comnlunity garden for the entire population"; emphasizes the openness and shared interfaces and functional organizations; establishes elevator in the center of the plane as a transportation core; and organize functions and equipment layout using "Nine Blocks" and other design strategies, which provides the experience and method reference for the same type of design and transformation in the future.
出处 《住宅科技》 2018年第1期29-33,共5页 Housing Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51378356)
关键词 社区养老 养老设施 功能复合 改造设计 幼儿园 community elderly caring, elderly caring facility, complex ffmctions, transformation design,kindergarten
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