2013—2014年松针小卷蛾Epinotia rubiginosana Herrich-Schaffermuller在承德地区首次大面积较严重发生,且有扩散和蔓延趋势。作者采用破坏其越冬场所,不同发育时期施用不同药剂进行防治松针小卷蛾试验。结果表明:在树冠投影范围内用铁耙松土降低其羽化率,其危害率降低75%左右。不同发育时期分别喷施4.5%高效氯氰菊酯EC、3%苯氧威EC、1%甲维盐EC、25%甲维灭幼脲SC、40%氧化乐果EC,松针小卷蛾的危害率均降低80.0%~88.1%。在单叶危害期选用1%甲维盐EC或25%甲维灭幼脲SC与柴油混合喷烟防治,其危害率降低80.1%以上。采用40%氧化乐果EC 1倍液干基注射防治松针小卷蛾幼虫,防治效果100%。3%苯氧威EC、1%甲维盐EC和25%甲维灭幼脲EC属无公害药剂,有利于森林和环境健康,可大力提倡应用。
Epinotia rubiginosana occurred seriously in Chengde area,Hebei province,China from 2013 to 2014,and had a tendency to spread. The control experiments were carried out by destructing its wintering site and using different insecticides on developmental stages. The results showed that loosening the soil under tree crown range by iron harrow,the damage rate of E. rubiginosana decreased about75%. Spray beta cypermethrin 4. 5% EC,fenoxycarb 3% EC,emamectin benzoate 1% EC,emamectinbenzoate chlobenzuron 25% SC,omethoate 40% EC respectively on developmental stages,all the control effects were 80. 0%-88. 1%. While in the single leaf damage period,using emamectin benzoate 1% EC or emamectin-benzoate chlobenzuron 25% SC mixed with 5-10 times of diesel oil to smoke,its control effect was over 80. 1%. Injecting one dilution of omethoate 40% EC into tree trunk bases on the sticky leaves damage stage to control the larvae,the effect reached 100%. All the fenoxycarb 3% EC,emamectin benzoate 1% EC and emamectin-benzoate chlobenzuron 25% SC are environment-friendly insecticides. They are beneficial to the forest and environment,and suggested to apply vigorously.
Forest Pest and Disease
Epinotia rubiginosana
physical control
chemical control