In the recent financial crisis, many banks have experienced financial distress, under which they were not able to raise significant new funds from the market through a conventional approach. To solve such kind of problems, two new interesting classes of debt with loss-absorbing features, write-down debt and contingent convertibles (CoCos), have drawn much attention of researchers and regulators. According to the statistics, the 50 percent of debt with loss-absorbing features issued in Europe is write-down debt. For example, RaboBank issues 2.0bn USD write-down debt with perpetual term in November, 2011, Barclays issues 3.0bn USD write-down debt with ten years maturity in November, 2012 and Credit Suisse is- sues 2.5bn USD write-down debt with ten years maturity in December, 2013. The banks in China have stepped up issuance: from nothing in 2012 to RMB 385 bn yuan of the write-down debt with 10 years maturity by December 2014. The maturity of the write-down debt is long-term or perpetual, however, the tax rate will change during the maturity of debt. For example, the average of corporate statutory tax rates has fallen from 31.4% to 25.9% over the 1999 - 2008 period. So, the impact of tax-rate uncertainty on bank' s financing policy is important. In this paper, the designing of write-down bond and the optimal debt structure of bank under tax-rate uncertainty are considered. It is assumed that the capital structure of bank is composed are considered equity, straight debt and a write-down debt. The before-tax cash flow x dynamics is described by the following geometric Brownian motion dX t = μXtdt + σXtdZt , where μ is the risk-adjusted drift parameter, and σ is the volatility rate. Zt denotes the Brownian motion under risk neutral measure. When the bank is alive, the straight debt has a coupon rate Cs and the write-down debt has a coupon rate Cw. Once the bank suffers from a credit event, the coupon of write-down debt is a automatically reduced by a fraction equal to 3. The write-down debt can be wri
Chinese Journal of Management Science
tax-rate uncertainty
write-down bond
optimal debt structure