The increasing use of pharmaceuticals throughout the world is generating a new environmental problem where they are found in low concentrations, but the long-term risks to various organisms, as well as human health, are not yet known. These drugs, as well as their metabolites, are introduced into aquatic environments through excretions or discharges and may cause the same exposure as POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) due to its continued entry into the environment. The aim of this work is to develop a sensitive analytical method for the detection of ibuprofen and its metabolites in the Bengalas river that crosses the city of Nova Friburgo in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Three collection points were analyzed monthly in the river from its source, as well as points of treated water throughout the city. The samples were collected monthly and lyophilized. Subsequently, they were subjected to a solid phase extraction (silica) with the solvent dichloromethane: hexane (1:1; v/v). The samples were evaporated over a nitrogen atmosphere and subjected to a LC-MS (Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry) with 5% acetic acid gradient: acetonitrile as the mobile phase. In the search for drugs, there were found ions and fragments of ibuprofen (m/z 206, 205, 177) that were sought and compared to with their standard. These indicators can result in deleterious effects on aquatic life in these bodies of water, as well as on those who use this water from the Bengalas river.