为了明确长庆溪流域水环境容量,改善水质不断恶化的状况,促进区域经济与水环境容量的协调发展,本文以长庆溪流域为研究对象,通过对水文特征、污染物特征、水环境现状调查,同时结合水环境容量计算方法 ,选用一维水质数学模型对其水环境容量进行计算分析。计算结果表明,在最枯月90%保证率和最枯月30年平均流量的两种不同水文条件下,COD的环境容量分别是708.6 t/a,317.06 t/a;NH_3-N的环境容量分别是38.96 t/a,13.96 t/a。结合长庆溪流域的现状排污量可知,在现状稳定排污达标情况下,该流域顺达-芦阳桥段尚有一定的剩余环境容量。该结果可为该流域污染物总量分配方案的制定提供决策依据。
In order to defne the environmental capacity and improve the deterioration of water quality in Changqing River basin and promote the harmonious development of economy and aquatic environment capacity,analyses on the present situation of water quality of Changqing River basin are conducted.The hydrological characteristics,the contamination characteristics and the water environment status were investigated.Combined with the design procedure of the water environmental capacity,one-dimensional water quality model was selected to calculate and analyze the water environmental capacity of Changqing River basin.The results showed that on the basis of the two hydrological conditions including minimum monthly fow with 90% guarantee rate and minimum monthly average fow in recent 30 years,the water environmental capacities of COD are estimated to be 708.6 t/a,317.06 t/a,respectively,and the water environmental capacities of NH3 -N are estimated to be 38.96 t/a,13.96 t/a,respectively.Combining with the current emissions of pollutants we can know there is a certain residual environmental capacity in the Shunda - Luyang section of the basin under the condition of stable standardized discharge.The results can provide the basis for the formulation of the total pollutant distribution scheme.
Environment & Development
Changqing River Basin
water quality model
water environmental capacity