提出了一种改进的燃烧转爆轰试验装置和试验方法,新装置的规格及试样量与常用的发射筒烟花类似。根据烟花中烟火药剂作用的不同,对黑药开爆药、白药开爆药、笛音药、发射药、效果药等典型烟花爆竹用烟火药剂进行了燃烧转爆轰试验,若验证板出现变形深度超过17 mm、撕裂和破碎则视试样发生燃烧转爆轰,判定试样为白药,否则为黑药。结果表明,在同等装药条件下,烟火药剂的组成成分是决定是否发生燃烧转爆轰的关键,以KCl O4为氧化剂的开爆药和以笛音剂为主要成分的笛音发射药都被定为白药,而以KNO3为氧化剂的黑火药开爆药被定为黑药。将试验结果与时间-压力测试结果进行了对比分析,燃烧转爆轰的测试结果可避免对黑火药开爆药的误判。与时间-压力试验相比,燃烧转爆轰试验方法试验药剂量更大,操作更简单,判据更准确。
The present paper intends to propose an improved testing device as well as the method for the deflagration to the detonation transition test,with its specification and sampling size being similar to the commonly used tube-shot fireworks. For the said research purpose,we have conducted a series of tests with the deflagration to the detonation transition on the typical pyrotechnics compositions in the fireworks,such as the tests with the black powder as the bursting charge,the flash composition as the bursting charge,the flute composition as the lifting charge and the effect charge,etc. in accordance with the different functions of the pyrotechnics compositions to be used for the purpose. The results of the aforementioned tests help us to find that it is possible for the sample to be used as the witness plate,which is subject to a deformation at a depth of about 17 mm,and a torn and broken section as the flash composition. What is more,there may occur a deflagration to the detonation transition. And,if there occurs such a deflagration to the detonation transition,the pyrotechnics compositions should then be determined in accordance with the flash composition,otherwise they should be determined as black powder. Thus,the test results show that the composition of the pyrotechnics should be the key to deciding and determining whether it would is possible for deflagration to be taken into consideration as the detonation transition with the pyrotechnics mass being equal. Though the bursting charge with KCl O4 as the oxidant and the flute lifting charge with the flute composition as the main component can also be classified into the category of flash composition,the chaff bursting charge with KNO3 can also be attributed to the category of the black powder for the oxidant of the display shells. Therefore,the test results of this experiment and time/pressure test should be said consistent through the comparison and composition analysis,in spite of the inconsistent results of bringing the black powder into the category of bu
Journal of Safety and Environment
safety engineering
pyrotechnics compositions infireworks
deflagration to detonation transition
time/pressure tests