[目的]高寒民族地区村庄发展具有其特殊的背景,如何借鉴发达国家和地区村庄建设的经验,有效推进高寒民族地区村庄建设,是需要尽快解决的问题。供给侧结构性改革是新时期中国农村持续发展的一项重要制度供给,对持续推进高寒民族地区村庄发展、加快乡村转型发展提供了创新思路和政策落脚点。以甘南藏族自治州曲县为例,对高寒民族地区村庄发展的现有条件进行系统分析,从供给侧结构性改革的视角,探究高寒民族地区村庄发展方向和路径问题,对高寒民族地区村庄发展提供借鉴和参考。[方法]文章采用了调查法、统计分析法和Arc GIS分析法。[结果]县域村庄分布的交通和河流指向明显,呈小集聚大分散的格局;村庄逐渐呈多元化发展,逐步形成了旅游带动型、畜牧带动型、农牧结合型和综合型等多种类型的村庄;随着藏区扶贫攻坚工作的有序推进,以及异地搬迁、整村推进、危旧房改造等项目的实施,村庄基础设施得到了显著改善。[结论]高寒民族地区村庄发展中存在着传统牧业生产与牧民定居不适宜,基础设施投入产出效率低下、有效供给不足,村庄文化服务供给错位和缺位明显等问题。在此基础上,提出了村庄发展的供给侧指向:高寒民族地区村庄发展应以"补短板、降成本"为主线,通过发展适度规模经营、科学养殖,不断降低农牧业生产成本,推进村庄一、二、三产业融合发展,夯实村庄发展基础;通过调整村庄空间布局、优化基础设施供给方向和结构,增强村庄基础设施的保障能力,补齐村庄发展短板;通过构建以村民需求为前提、以多元主体供给为手段的村庄公共文化服务供给体系,提高村庄文化供给效率和质量。通过实施村庄供给侧结构性改革,有效推进高寒民族地区村庄建设和可持续发展。
The development of villages in alpine ethnic areas has its special background. It is a problem how to ef- fectively promote the construction of villages in the alpine ethnic areas by learning from the experiences of developed countries and villages. The supply - side structural reform is an important system for the sustainable development of rural China in the new period. It provides innovative ideas and policy goal for the continued promotion of the development of villages, and accelerates the transformational development of villages in alpine ethnic areas. Taking Luqu county of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture as an example, the paper analyzed the present development situa- tion of villages in the alpine ethnic areas, explored the direction and path of villages development from the perspec- tive of supply - side structural reform in alpine ethnic areas, so as to provide a useful example and reference for the development of villages in alpine ethnic areas. The main research methods were field survey statistical analysis and ArcGIS analysis. The results showed : The distribution characteristics of county villages were mainly along the traffic and rivers. The development of villages gradually diversified a variety of villages, such as tourist belt, animal hus- bandry, integration of crop - livestock type and comprehensive type. Through the implementation of some policies in Tibetan areas, such as Poverty Alleviation, Migration - Resettlement, Promoting the Peasant Household Project,Reconstruction of Shabby Buildings, the village infrastructure has been significantly improved. However, there were some problems of the development of villages in alpine ethnic areas from the perspective of supply - side, for example, traditional animal husbandry production was not suitable for Settlement of Herdsmen, the infrastructure input -output was in the low efficiency and insufficient, the supply of village cultural service was dislocation and lack obviously. Finally, it puts forward some countermeasures for the developme
Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning
supply - side
alpine ethnic areas
Luqu county