从教学设计着手,结合任务驱动教学方法,把Excel 2010课程知识点归纳到不同的任务块中,以任务的制作为主线来实施教学。在任务教学模式中,教师的角色由原先的主导者转换为任务的参与者和监督者,而学生的角色由原先的被灌输者转换为学习的主动参与者。通过任务驱动教学方法对Excel 2010进行教学,收到了意想不到的效果。
Starting from the teaching design, combined with the task-driven teaching method, the Excel 2010 knowledge points are allocated to different task blocks to conduct the teaching along with the task progress. In the task-driven teaching mode, the role of teacher is changed from the former leader to the participant and supervisor of the task, and the role of the student is transformed from the original indoctrinated person into the active participant of the learning. Taught Excel 2010 by task-driven teaching method, an unexpected result has been received.
Computer Era