对海南特有濒危珍稀植物石碌含笑(Michelia shiluensis)的分布现状进行了野外种群考察。结果表明:石碌含笑的资源数量极为稀少,零星分布于鹦哥岭、南高岭、保梅岭和五指山;在吊罗山分布较为集中,调查到的个体数占调查总数的69.62%。根据径级结构代替年龄结构的原理和方法探讨了石碌含笑的年龄结构特征,其中吊罗山种群的年龄结构完整,但成年个体较多、幼年个体较少,其年龄结构近于纺锤形,处于衰退阶段;其余4个种群的年龄结构均不完整,极度缺少幼年个体,处于衰退阶段。在此基础上,综合5个种群的调查数据,编制了种群的特定时间生命表和存活曲线。分析表明石碌含笑种群从幼苗生长到树木死亡大体可分为2个阶段:幼苗-成树阶段(年龄级为Ⅰ~Ⅳ级)和老树阶段(年龄级为Ⅳ~Ⅴ级),幼苗-成树阶段的死亡率较低,老树阶段死亡率最高。石碌含笑种群的存活曲线接近DeeveyⅠ型,属于衰退种群。
The population distribution and age structure of endangered and endemic species Michelia shiluensis were investigated. Results showed that M. shiluensis had a sporadic distribution in Yinggeling Nature Reserve,Nangaoling Forestry Station, Baomeiling Nature Reserve and Wuzhishan Nature Reserve. The distribution in Diaoluoshan Nature Reserve was relatively concentrated, accounting for 69.62% of all observed individuals. Using the way of diameter structure instead of age structure, the age structure was analyzed, and the time-specific life table and survival curve of the endangered species were created according to the way of diameter structure instead of age structure. It was suggested that the development process of M. shiluensis should be divided into two stages:sapling-mature tree stage(Ⅰ~Ⅳage class) and old tree stage(Ⅳ ~Ⅴage class), with a relatively low mortality rate in the first stage and the highest mortality rate in the latter stage. The survival curve of M. shiluensis is close to DeeveyⅠtype, meaning the population of the species belongs to a declined type.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops