
类固醇雌激素的环境暴露及其迁移转化 被引量:11

Environmental exposure of steroid estrogens and their migration and transformation behavior
摘要 类固醇雌激素是一类内分泌干扰物,可分为天然雌激素和人工合成雌激素,在环境中分布广泛,虽然含量较低,但是危害巨大,具有干扰动物和人体的内分泌系统以及影响生殖、发育等特征。本文围绕环境中几种主要的类固醇雌激素,介绍了它们的结构性质、危害及其主要来源,指出其在地表水体、农田土壤中的暴露水平。目前,关于类固醇雌激素的环境暴露研究多集中于河流、湖泊等地表水体,有关雌激素在土壤中的残留报道较少,而设施菜地由于大量施用粪肥将极可能产生雌激素污染问题。本文对雌激素进入环境后的迁移转化规律及影响因素进行了综述,描述了雌激素吸附与降解等环境行为及其影响因素。目前针对雌激素的大多数研究仍基于室内模拟实验,对于其在实际环境中的迁移转化过程及与其他污染物共同作用的规律尚不清楚。因此,对今后的研究方向提出以下几点建议:1)研究随畜禽粪便进入农田土壤特别是设施菜地的雌激素及其环境行为规律;2)除室内模拟实验外,对实际环境系统中的雌激素研究更具价值,特别是在环境多相态体系中的迁移转化等过程;3)研究与多种类污染物共存下雌激素的环境行为规律。 Steroid estrogens are a group of biologically active compounds synthesized from cholesterol and have a cyclopentan-o-perhydrophenanthrene ring in common. Steroid estrogens can be classified into natural and synthetic types,and have been intensively reported for wide distribution in water bodies and farmland soils. Trace steroid estrogens in the environment can pose severe threat to the ecosystems. For example, these steroid estrogens can promote synthesis and secretion of vitellogenin in male fish, and this female-specific protein can lead to feminization of the male fish population and result in extinction of fish species. Recently, steroid estrogens have been frequently detected in surface waters, such as lakes and rivers, but little attention was paid to steroid estrogen accumulation in soils, and the potential steroid estrogen pollution caused by application of manure in greenhouse vegetable farmland. In addition to the sewage treatment plant effluent outfalls, large amounts of animal wastes and biosolids applied to agricultural fields might run off into nearby water bodies or infiltrate through the soil into groundwater. Cattle and poultry manure has been reported as a source of the environmental loadings of steroid estrogens. In this paper, the migration and transformation process of steroid estrogens was reviewed, and the environmental behavior including adsorption, degradation and associated influence factors was discussed. The distribution and partitioning of steroid estrogens in the environment were determined by their physicochemical properties and site-specific environmental conditions. Due to low solubility in water, the persistence and bioavailability of hydrophobic steroid hormones in the aquatic systems depend greatly on their sorption to particulate matter. The adsorption behavior of steroid estrogens in environmental media is influenced not only by their physical and chemical properties, but also by soil type, environmental p H, and types and contents of organic matters. Furthermore,degradation
出处 《浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期734-746,共13页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Agriculture and Life Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划重点专项(2016YFD0800204) 国家自然科学基金(21577007 21277013)
关键词 类固醇雌激素 环境暴露 水体 土壤 迁移转化 steroid estrogens environmental appearance water body soil migration and transformation
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