2016年底,法国蒙提涅克(Montignac)的拉斯科4号博物馆(Lascaux IV)正式对外开放了,这座精心设计过的建筑物犹如嵌在大自然中的裂缝一般,其粗糙的岩石表面和玻璃幕墙给人庄严而安静的感觉,屋顶柔和的断线呼应了山坡起伏的形状。馆内呈现的绘画作品复制了17,000年前的珍贵壁画,带领游客进行一场沉浸式的艺术体验。
The Lascaux IV museum in Montignac, France, was officially opened to the public at the end of 2016. This well-designed building is like a rift embedded in nature, Its rough rocky surface and glass fagade give a solemn and quiet feel, and the soft, broken roof echoed the shape of the hillside. The paintings presented in the museum reproduce the precious frescoes of 17,000 years ago and lead the tourists in an immersive artistic experience.