背景:角膜修复材料可修复角膜损伤,这种产品在进入临床试验之前需要评估其有效性,但现阶段尚缺乏标准化的有效性评估方法。目的:建立并验证兔角膜真菌感染模型和角膜移植实验方法。方法:取新西兰大白兔12只,建立左眼角膜真菌感染模型(实验组),右眼作为正常对照。模型建立2周后,左眼进行脱细胞猪角膜基质移植,移植后定期进行裂隙灯显微镜、角膜厚度、眼压、共聚焦显微镜及光学相干断层成像等检测,评估角膜修复材料透明度、上皮愈合程度、水肿程度、角膜新生血管程度、角膜修复材料融解程度;移植后3,6,12个月,进行角膜病理组织观察。结果与结论:①实验组移植后1个月时角膜厚度明显增高,移植3-6个月时角膜厚度开始稳定,1年时趋于稳定,趋向于正常眼;②实验组眼压始终接近于正常眼;③光学相干断层成像显示,移植后7 d,角膜修复材料与植床贴合良好;移植后6个月上皮覆盖完整,移植区植片厚度较为均一;移植后1年恢复情况趋于正常眼;④共聚焦显微镜显示,移植后1个月时,移植区材料均匀;移植后6个月时,移植区有少量细胞迁入;移植后1年时,上皮细胞密度增大,移植区有迁入细胞,但少于正常眼;⑤移植后1年,角膜修复材料几近完全透明,可认为此角膜修复材料治疗感染性角膜溃疡有效;未发生排斥反应,表明该角膜修复材料的治愈性良好;⑥移植后3个月,大量基质细胞迁移至角膜角膜替代物中,移植区域胶原纤维排列整齐、致密,无明显瘢痕及降解现象;移植后6个月时,移植区域已基本恢复至正常角膜状态;移植后1年,移植区域已恢复至正常角膜状态,生物相容性很好;⑦结果表明,实验建立的兔角膜真菌感染模型和角膜移植实验方法可作为评价此类角膜材料有效性的动物模型和方法。
BACKGROUND: Corneal repair materials can be used as an alternative of human donor corneas to repair cornealinjuries, but their evaluation of effectiveness is necessary before entering clinical trials. Unfortunately, there is nostandardized method for effectiveness evaluation until now.OBJECTIVE: To establish and validate a corneal fungal infection model in rabbits and the corneal transplantationmethod.METHODS: Twelve New Zealand White rabbits were selected to establish a corneal fungal infection model in the left eye(experimental) and a normal control in the right eye. Two weeks after modeling, acellular porcine corneal stroma wastransplanted into the left eye. After transplantation, slit lamp microscope test, corneal thickness detection, intraocularpressure measurement, confocal microscopy test and optical coherence tomography were performed. Then the degreeof transparency, degree of epithelium healing, degree of edema, degree of corneal neovascularization and degree ofmaterial thawing were evaluated. The corneal pathological sections with hematoxylin-eosin staining were observed at 3,6 and 12 months after surgery.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) The corneal thickness increased significantly at 1 month after transplantation, variedslightly within 3-6 months, and became close to the normal value at 1 year. (2) The intraocular pressure of the left eyewas close to normal eyes. (3) Findings from the optical coherence tomography showed that the repair materials fit wellwith the implantation bed at 7 days after transplantation; the transplanted area was fully covered with epithelial cells at 6months after transplantation, and the uniform thickness of the repair material in the transplanted area was detected; thegrafted cornea was restored to normal cornea at 1 year after transplantation. (4) Under the confocal microscope, therepair materials in the transplanted area were evenly spread at 1 month after transplantation; few cells migrated into thetransplanted area at 6 months after transplantation
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research