In the May Fourth Movement, Xu Beihong has criticized China's ancient culture and worshiped the Western cul- ture. He did not seek the national culture from the weak, but seek the strong foundation of national culture. He dedicated to promote the country by art, adhered to cultural construction, cultural preservation and cultural output, not only made un- precedentedly improvement of Chinese painting, but also carried out overseas promotion of Chinese painting. His Asian footprints and European tours have avoided the "other" image of "being seen", and he was rewriting the situation of weak and right to speak of Chinese culture in the world, and working to establish equal exchanges with the first world. It made Xu Bei- hong's works full of post-colonial era of contemporary meaning. He enlightens that we are now in the inconsistent anxiety of nationalization and modernization, localization and globalization, in which we shall not miss the opportunity to meet the world in the process of modernity, but adhere to the national cultural identity, and insist on the local voice of the oriental. Certainly, the Eastern voice also includes all the people who pay close attention to the peace talks between the East and the world, the healthy development of it, which is the joint effort of peace-loving people in the "globalization" context.
Arts Exploration
Xu Beihong, Post-colonial Era, Cultural Construction, Cultural Preservation, Cultural Output