
信息技术创新与广泛应用背景下的版权法学理论变革 被引量:3

Rethinking of Copyright Theory Under the Rapid Development of Information Technology and Its Widespread Application
摘要 创新给每个人的生活带来了便利,信息技术的新发展更是广泛应用于社会的方方面面。例如,共享单车的出现,有效地解决了人们出行的最后一公里问题,受到广泛欢迎。在司法领域,智慧法院与互联网法庭的出现,不仅提供了诉讼便利,更让人们有理由相信,他们比以往任何时候都更接近正义。这些变化离不开信息自由。然而,传统版权法理论似乎依然故我——先授权后使用的规则依然占据主导位置。单车可以共享,而知识只能独占。版权制度是对自由流动着的信息的一个干预,它原本是通过赋予生产者对信息的适度垄断,达到信息自由的目的。现实情况是,一方面,信息利用变得更加方便,对信息的控制越发困难,另一方面,立法者却赋予生产者更多的权利并强化之。但是,不管承认还是不承认,信息生产、传播、利用的方式已经发生变化,传统的版权制度已经不敷适用。各国版权法未来修订者和研究者,需要拿出足够的勇气和智慧,去面对这种变化。 Innovations bring the convenience for everyone, while society is receiving a lot by the rapid development of information technology and its widespread application. For example, the emergence of e-bikes, which effectively solves the last kilometer problem of traveling, has been widely welcomed by the people. In the field of justice, the establishing of smart-courts and the internet courts, both do not only provide litigation facilities, but also give a reason that people believe that they are more approaching to justice than ever before. These changes are inseparable from information freedom. However, the traditional copyright law theory seems to be unchanged--authorization first and use second still occupy the dominant position. E-bikes can be shared, but knowledge can not. The copyright system is an intervention in the free flow of information, which was originally intended to give authors a monopoly towards information and aimed for information freedom. The reality is that, on the one hand, the use of information becomes more convenient, while the control of information becomes more difficult. The authors have been given more rights and the legislators strengthen the rights. However, regardless of recognition or non-recognition, the ways for information production, dissemination and utilization have been changed; the traditional copyright system has been inadequate for the changes. It needs more courage and wisdom for the legislators and researchers of copyright laws in the future to come up with this change.
作者 周林
出处 《中国发明与专利》 2017年第12期15-22,共8页 China Invention & Patent
关键词 网络生存定律 信息自由 版权政策 版权理论变革 rule of network survival information freedom copyright policy reform of copyright theory
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