Wilson disease (WD) is a rare and treatable genetic disorder. This paper describes the new advances and author's long-term experiences in the diagnosis of WD. The characteristics in clinical and routine tests are: the age of presentation can be quite broad, the WD could not be excluded based on age only; the patients usually have mild digestive symptoms but obvious chronic liver disease signs; liver function tests may reveal normal or a mild elevation in bilirubin, ALT and AST, but quite abnormal in serum albumin and prothrombin time in most patients; Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia, normal or markedly subnormal serum alkaline phosphatase (typically 〈 40 IU/L) are useful for the diagnosis of fulminant WD. In china, Kayser- Fleischer rings are present in 72.2% of patients at the time of diagnosis, the positive rate is significantly higher in patients with a neurological presentation (93.4%) than patients presenting with liver disease (63.3%), however, they are usually absent in children under 6 years old, occasionly present in patients with chronic cholestatic liver disease. The mean serum ceruloplamin level in WD patients is 71.1 ± 48.7 mg/L, the level is 〈 200 mg/L in 98.9% of patients, 〈 100 mg/L in about three fourths patients, 〈 50 mg/L in about half patients, but it may be low in 50% of patients with severe end-stage liver disease of any etiology too, and even lower than 50 mg/L in patients with nephritic syndrome. Basal 24-hour urinary copper excretion may be ≥ 100 g at presentation in 86.7% of patients with WD, but also in 22% of Patients with certain chronic liver diseases, the sensitivity of penicillamine challenge test is lower than basal urinary copper excretion, however, the specificity is significantly higher than former (97% versus 78%). Hepatic copper determination remains the gold standard for the diagnosis of WD. We have designed a standard method for hepatic copper determination. The most useful cut-off value is 209 g/g dry wt using our method, with the sensit
Chinese Journal of Hepatology
Hepatolenticular degeneration
K-F rings
Liver copper level
Urinary copper excretion
Gene diagnosis