
佛藏针灸史料探论 被引量:3

Exploration on the history of acupuncture in Chinese Buddhist Canon
摘要 本文通过对佛教大藏经中的针灸史料进行考释、研究和分析,认为佛医针灸学具有悠久的历史和鲜明的特色。笔者试从4个方面进行论述。(1)佛陀时代的针灸之学。首先,佛陀时代已出现佛针的概念。佛针包括物针、指针和心(法)针。物针有金属针、植物针、石针、骨针等,指针指以手指为针,心针与法针指以佛法为针。其次,佛医乃针药并用,针匣已成为当时医家出行必备之物品。再次,佛医认为针能治病,也能致病,对于针伤的防止,佛医也有相关的论述。(2)历代僧医的成就。本文列举了33位僧人的针灸成就,其中不乏高僧大德,如安世高、于法开等,他们对发扬光大佛医针灸之学做出重大的贡献。(3)佛针之临床诊疗特色。第一,针药结合,相得益彰;第二,针咒结合,身心并治;第三,特殊针法,疗效显著,如炎针、针刀等;第四,佛针医案,特色鲜明;第五,谨戒误诊,更防误治。(4)我国历代高僧对针灸之术作了精辟的论述。第一,智者大师论佛针。如因果疾病,以针喻之;临床诊疗,以针为喻;业因疾患,针刺取效。第二,金针拨内障术。第三,不知针,不足言良医。笔者认为,佛医有形的针法需要我们去研究,而无形的针法更需要我们去感悟。 It is believed that acupuncture science of Buddhist medicine has a tong history and great characteristics after the investigation, research and analysis on the historic literature of acupuncture in Chinese Buddhist Canon. The writers tried to give the statements from 4 aspects. 1. Science of acupuncture in the time of Buddha. Firstly, the Buddhist acupuncture was mentioned in the time of Buddha, including substantial acupuncture, finger acupuncture and mental acupuncture. The substantial acupuncture refers to metal needle, plant needle, stone needle, bone needle, etc. Finger acupuncture means taking finger as a needle. Mental acupuncture implies that the Buddhism idea is considered in acupuncture. Secondly, the Buddhist medicine is the combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine. The needle box had become the necessity of the medical scholars in traveling. 2. Achievements of medical Buddhists in dynasties. In the paper, 33 medical Buddhists were listed, such as AN Sldga~ YU Fakai, etc. They made the great contributions to the development of Buddhist medicine of acupuncture. 3. The characteristics of Buddhist acupuncture in clinical diagnosis and treatment. 1) The combination of acupuncture and herbal medicine and this mutual supplementation; 2) Mutual treatment of acupuncture and psychological therapy; 3) Remarkable therapeutic effects of specific acupuncture techniques, such as Yan needling technique and acupotomy; 4) Medical cases of Buddhist acupuncture; and 5) Precaution of misdiagnosis and prevention of mistreatment. 4. The penetrating statement of acupuncture techniques by the Buddhists in dynasties. 1) The cause-effect theory is introduced in treatment and diagnosis by medical Buddhists. The effectiveness is achieved through causality system. 2) Cataract is treated with gold needle. 3) The medical master is not qualified if nothing to know on acupuncture. The authors believe that the substantial acupuncture techniques need to be further studied and the non-substantial one requests us to
出处 《中国针灸》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期1347-1352,共6页 Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
基金 北京中医药文化研究基地项目:14 JDLSB 002
关键词 大藏经 针灸 史料 探论 Chinese Buddhist Canon acupuncture historical literature exploration
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