The suggestion that Sun Wukong is a native of Fujian proposed by Japanese scholar Miyoko Nakano in the 1980s, did not receive complete agreement in the academia of China. Meanwhile, in the 1990s when several cultural relics related with " Qitian Dasheng" (The Mahatma Equaling Heaven) and "Tongtian Dasheng" (The Mahatma Accessing to Heaven) were unearthed in Fujian, the discussion was aroused again among scholars, but finally made no further conclusion. The existent stories and records about "the monkey" in the southern areas of China, lacking in a complete story system of The Journey to the West, were so scattered that they seemed to have been the products influenced by the one-hundred-chapter novel. But the discovery of the puppet drama Monk Xuanzang on a Pilgrimage for Buddhist Scriptures in Quanzhou provided a totally different southern story with a complete system. Although the present transcription was finished comparatively later, much evidence indicated the drama script was completed after the Monk Xuanzang of Tang Dynasty on a Pilgrimage for Buddhist Scriptures, even earlier than or contemporary with Yang Jingxian's drama The Journey to the West. As a typical work of the theme during the Song and Yuan dynasties, the puppet drama discovered in Quanzhou makes it necessary to re-evaluate the former conclusions about the southern and northern story systems.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
Sun Wukong's native place
Quanzhou ( Fujian Province)
puppet drama Monk Xuanzang on a Pilgrimagefor Buddhist Scriptures
southern story system of Journey to the West