
美国创客运动的兴起及政府相关举措研究 被引量:1

Research on the Rise of Maker Movement and Major Steps of the Government of the United States
摘要 美国政府高度重视创新创业战略部署,对创客运动的引领作用显著。创客运动在美国的兴起和发展,要归功于美国政府在支持创客创新创业方面的重要举措。我国应充分借鉴美国经验,加强相关政策措施,大力培育创客文化,加强创客项目、平台和资源,调动社会各界的积极性,充分挖掘全社会创新创业的潜力。 The US government attaches great importance to the strategy for innovation and business start-ups and plays a leading role in the development of maker movement. Maker movement arises and booms in the US, thanks to the steps that the US government has taken to support innovation and start-up creation. China should learn from the US and adopt more policies and measures to develop maker movement, strengthen maker projects, platforms and resources, encourage all the stake-holders to participate in order to tap the potential of the society to innovate and create start-ups.
作者 黄军英
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2017年第8期1-6,共6页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
基金 科技部科技创新战略研究专项课题"国际科技创新战略动向研究"(ZLY2015152)
关键词 美国 创客运动 创客文化 创新创业 US maker movement maker culture innovation and entrepreneurship
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