耳轴是应用在转炉等炼钢设备上的一个重要零件,它与拖圈一起承受来自转炉钢包重量。针对耳轴各工况下复杂的应力情况和易出现断裂的问题,采用DEFORM模拟900 mm宽V型砧锻造的方法,结果表明第一次20%压下开始,锻件心部径向应力状态均为压应力,有利于锻件心部的锻合,提高锻件的质量。
The trunnion is an important part in steel melting equipments, which bears the weight of the converter. In view of its complicated working conditions and the problem of easy cracking we can take the forging method of 900ram wide V-board by DEFORM simulation. The results show that the corn of forging radial stress is pressed at 20% transformation for the first time, the forging quality enhanced.
Journal of Liaoning University of Technology(Natural Science Edition)