

A Study of French Films on Immigration
摘要 新世纪之前的法国移民电影就表现对象来讲,可以分为表现犹太移民的电影和表现北非移民的电影两个部分,重要作品有《阿基米德后宫的茶》《皮埃尔和贾米拉》《白》和《怒火青春》等。新世纪之后的法国移民电影不仅继续关注北非移民问题,而且关注另一问题人群:非法移民(难民)。重要作品有《伏尔泰的错误》《巴黎浮世绘》《非法入境》《勒阿弗尔》和《流浪的迪潘》等。新世纪的法国移民电影主要有两种叙事方式:第一种是把移民故事镶嵌在法国白人的生活和情感故事之中,讲述法国白人与移民之间彼此救赎的故事;第二种是从移民角度讲述移民在法国社会的艰辛历程,从现实生存到情感冲突,以素描笔法呈现移民的生存图景,带有较强的社会纪实性。在国际难民激增、法国国内族裔矛盾加剧,以及法国电影一方面维护自身艺术传统、一方面关注市场的背景下,法国的国家/民族意识形态在合法移民题材的电影创作中不仅从未被忽略,而且在非法移民和难民题材的电影创作中被不断强化。 French films on Immigration made before the 21 stcentury can be divided into tw o categories: those on Jew ish immigrants and those on immigrants from north Africa. Important w orks of this period include Thé au Harem d'Archimède,Pierre et Jemila,Blanc and La Haine. How ever,French films on immigration made in the 21 st century not only continue to show concern for north African immigrants,but also for illegal immigrants. Important w orks of this period include Faute àVoltaire,Code Inconnu,Welcome,Le Havre and Dheepan. There are tw o kinds of narrative patterns in the films of the new century. The first embed the immigrant story in the life and feelings of w hite French people,show ing how the w hite French people and the immigrants redeem each other; the second tell of the hardships of immigrants in France,from raw survival to emotional conflicts,in the fashion of social documentation. Against the background ofa surge of international refugees,increasing ethnic conflicts in the country and the French cinema maintaining its tradition on the one hand and paying attention to market needs on the other,France's state/nation ideology,far from being neglected in films on legal immigration,is in fact constantly being strengthened in films on refugees and illegal immigration.
作者 崔军
出处 《美育学刊》 2017年第6期66-76,共11页 Journal of Aesthetic Education
基金 国家社科基金艺术学项目<欧美移民电影研究(2000-2012)>(13CB097)的阶段成果 河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(人文社科类)的资助成果
关键词 法国电影 移民 白人 穆斯林 意识形态 French cinema immigration white people Muslim ideology
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