国有企业改制是我国经济体制改革的核心内容,如何科学地评价国有企业生产效率,是全面深化国有企业改革、优化资源配置水平的必要前提。文章选择随机前沿方法 (SFA),以2006-2015年3224个上市公司数据为样本,对国有企业生产效率损失问题进行了测算,进而对不同所有制类型和不同行业、产业的效率损失情况加以比较分析。结果显示:国有企业确实存在着技术效率损失,中央国有企业损失最严重,地方国有企业次之,最后是民营企业;就行业层面而言,不同行业间的效率损失水平差异比较大,教育业尤为突出;就产业层面而言,所有产业均呈现损失不断减小的趋势,但第二产业一直占据效率损失最高位。
The reform of state-owned enterprises is the core element of China's economic system reform. How to evaluate the production efficiency of state-owned enterprises scientifically is the prerequisite to comprehensively deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and optimize the level of resource allocation. This paper selected the method of stochastic frontier approach(SFA), using the year2006-2015 data of 3224 listed companies as samples, the efficiency loss of state-owned enterprises were calculated, and the efficiency loss of different types of ownership and different industries were analyzed. The results showed that the state-owned enterprises exist the loss of technical efficiency, the most serious loss is the central state-owned enterprises, then the local state-owned enterprises, the least is the private enterprises; from the business level, differences in the level of efficiency loss between different business is relatively large, the education industry is particularly prominent; from the the industry level, all industry losses showed a decreasing trend, but the second industry has occupied the most high efficiency loss.
Journal of Technical Economics & Management
State-owned enterprises
Efficiency loss
Economic system
Technical efficiency