6Christine Bellamy and John Taylor. Governing in the Information Age. London: Open University Press, 1998. p67, p99, p64, p82. 被引量:1
7C. Bellamy, J. A. Taylor, D. Mclean. The Changing Business of Government in the Information Age, Proceedings of a Workshop Organized for OPSS. London : ESRC Programme on Information and Communication Technology and CCTA, p66. 被引量:1
8Duane Elgin. Revitalizing Democracy through Electronic Town Meetings. Spectrum, 1993(1). 被引量:1
9Al Gore. Creating a Government that Works Better and Costs Less. New York: Plume Books and Penguin, 1993. 被引量:1
10John Taylor. BPR for the Information Age. New Technology, 1995(10). 被引量:1