目的:了解某医院儿科门诊中成药处方用药情况,为临床合理用药提供参考,以保障儿童用药安全。方法:从美康系统抽取某医院2016年儿科门诊中成药处方,每月抽取100张,共抽取1 200张进行回顾性点评与分析。结果:该医院儿科门诊疾病多涉及中医肺脏(西医呼吸系统),不合理处方118张,占抽取处方总数的9.83%。结论:该医院儿科中成药处方存在不合理使用情况,需加强对《处方管理办法》和中医中药知识的学习,诊疗过程中要注意辨证论治,病、证、药相结合,加强临床中成药合理用药意识,确保临床安全、有效、经济用药。
Objective: To provide the reference for rational medication in clinic and ensure medication safety of the children by surveying reasonable use of Chinese patent drugs in the prescriptions in pediatric outpatient of a hospital. Methods: The Chinese patent drugs prescriptions in pediatric outpatient of a hospital in 2016 were selected from Meikang system, 100 pieces were chosen each month, altogether 1200 pieces were retrospectively commented and analyzed. Results: The diseases in pediatric outpatient mainly focused on TCM lung disease (respiratory disease in western medicine), and there were 118 pieces of irrational prescriptions, which held 9.83% of all the prescriptions. Conclusion:There are some problems existed in Chinese patent drugs prescriptions in pediatric outpatient of the hospital, the doctors should enhance the learning of Prescription Administrative Policy and TCM knowledge, pay attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment during therapeutic course, combine the disease, syndrome and herbs, enhance the rational use consciousness of Chinese patent drugs in clinic, therefore, to ensure clinical safe, effective and economic mediation.
Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese patent drugs
comments on prescription
reasonable use