
组织起来:“新妇女”与“新社会”的构建——以延安时期的妇女纺织生产运动为中心的考察 被引量:18

Organize Together:The Rise of “New Women” and the Building of “New Society” in the Campaign for Developing Women's Textile Production during the Yan'an Period
摘要 文章结合赵树理的小说《传家宝》,对抗战时期以陕甘宁边区为中心的抗日根据地的妇女纺织生产运动进行了多维度的考察,指出其具有多重面向:它以动员组织妇女参加纺织生产为主要出发点,对传统"男耕女织"的性别分工/劳动分工进行了征用和改造,从而在"妇女解放"的维度上留下了值得讨论的新空间;它是抗日根据地在遭遇到经济封锁时的"自给自足"解决方案的一部分,但更是中共领导的新民主主义革命以"合作社"机制探索个体经济走向集体经济的重要环节;它询唤出了一批具有劳动自觉、尊严感与"公家"意识的"新妇女",更重要的是,初步建构了相对平等的人与人之间互助合作的"劳动共同体",并以此为基础探索了未来"新社会"建构的可能路径。文章认为,延安时期在理论与实践两个层面拓展了对"妇女""革命"与"社会"关系的理解,以"延安道路"为成熟标志的中国新民主主义革命道路的独特性与复杂性也亟待被进一步认识。 With Zhao Shuli's Chuan Jia Bao (Fortunes) as a case in point, this paper proposes a muhi-dimensional perspective to survey the campaign for developing women's textile production in the border regions of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia during the anti-Japanese war period. It argues that the campaign achieved several goals. First, by mobilizing and organizing women to develop textile production, the campaign challenged the traditional gender-based division of labour with men being tillers and women being weavers, thus opens up space for reflecting upon its significances in terms of "women's liberation". Secondly ,the campaign not only was part of the effort to at- tain "self-sufficiency" against the economic blockade launched by the Japanese invaders, but also played a key part in the new demo-cratic revolution under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, which aimed at a transition from cooperative-based individual e- conomy to collective economy. Thirdly, during the campaign,there emerged a kind of "new women" who showed working motivation, a sense of dignity and a communal awareness. Last but not least, the campaign established preliminary forms of collective labour unit based on more equal divisions of labour, and thereby laid the foundation for exploring possible routes to embark on building a "new soci- ety" in the future. This paper concludes that, during the Yan'an period, there appeared a broader understanding of "women" and the re- lationship between " revolution" and "society" in both theory and practice, which calls for a deeper understanding of the uniqueness and complexity of the Chinese New Democratic Revolution, known as the "Yan'an Road".
作者 董丽敏 DONG Li-min(College of Humanities and Communications, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, Chin)
出处 《妇女研究论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期10-22,共13页 Journal of Chinese Women's Studies
关键词 延安时期 妇女纺织生产运动 合作社 新妇女 新社会 Yan'an period women's textile production campaign cooperatives new women new society
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