对椰砖、生物炭(木屑)、珍珠岩、陶粒、生物炭(稻壳)、蛭石、鸡粪、菇渣、泥炭9种适用垂直绿化栽培的基质材料(以轻质为前提)进行保肥性差异及其关键影响因素分析,以期为垂直绿化适用保肥型栽培基质配方产品的开发提供科学支撑。采用各类标准方法测定各基质材料的理化性质,并对各基质的理化指标进行差异显著性分析。通过淋溶试验测定各基质材料的氮、磷淋出特性,并运用相关分析法分析各基质的氮、磷淋出特性与理化指标的相关性。结果表明:9种不同基质的持水特性和孔隙特性等主要物理性质均差异显著,有效磷、水解性氮、有机质含量等化学性质也均差异显著;9种基质的氮、磷流失量差异显著,鸡粪的全氮流失量、流失速率最大,菇渣次之,稻壳炭的全磷流失量、流失速率最大,菇渣次之。淋溶后基质的全氮流失量与体积含水量呈显著正相关,全磷流失量与非毛管孔隙度呈正相关。基质淋溶后的p H值、EC值(电导率)差异显著。与基质材料保肥特性密切相关的物理指标是体积含水量、非毛管孔隙度,它们是基质材料氮、磷流失的主要影响因子。
The differences of fertility preserving characteristics and its key influence factors of coconut chaff, sawdust, perlite, ceramsite, rice husk carbon, mushroom residue, peat, vermiculite and chicken ma- nure were studied to provide scientific support for the development of nutrient preserving cultivation matrix suitable for vertical greening. Commonly used standard method was used to determine the various physical and chemical properties of the matrix to detect the differences in physical and chemical indexes of various matrix. The nitrogen and phosphorus leaching amount were determined by leaching test, and the relevance between the nitrogen and phosphorus leaching amount and the physical and chemical indicators was ana- lyzed by correlative analysis. Results showed that in terms of physical properties such as water-holding characteristic,pore structure characters, significant difference was detected among the 9 matrix materials. In terms of chemical properties, significant difference was also detected in available phosphorus, available nitrogen and organic matters of the 9 matrix materials. There were significant difference of N&P loss of the 9 matrix,and the total nitrogen loss and the rate of the loss of chicken manure showed the highest, followed by the mushroom residue. The total phosphorus loss and the loss rate of the rice husk carbon were the largest, followed by the mushroom residue. The total nitrogen loss was significantly correlated with the volumetric water content. The total phosphorus loss was significantly correlated with the non-capillary po- rosity. There were significant differences in pH and EC of the leached matrix. Physical indicators closely related to protecting fertilizer characteristics of the matrix were volumetiric water content and non-capillary porosity, which were main factors impacting on the nitrogen and phosphorus loss of matrix materials.
Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
vertical greening
cuhivation matrix
physical and chemical properties
fertility preserving characteristics
loss of nitrogen and phosphorus