考察了A2/O同步化学除磷工艺中Al2(SO4)3投加量对TP、COD、NH+4-N和TN的去除率与活性污泥性能的影响。结果表明,常温(18~32℃)条件下同步化学除磷最适宜的Al2(SO4)3投加量为铝、磷摩尔比0.5∶1,此条件下出水TP、COD、NH+4-N和TN浓度均能达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)一级A标准。研究同时发现,Al2(SO4)3投加后,活性污泥的沉降性能和污泥活性均有所增强,其中SVI值由93.8 m L·g-1降至81.3 m L·g-1,Zeta电位由-5.5 m V降至-11.8 m V,胞外聚合物EPS含量增加了59.9%,蛋白质与多糖的比例由5.2降至2.1,比耗氧速率由4.2 mg·(g·min)-1升高到6.7 mg·(g·min)-1(以MLSS计)。微生物菌群结构分析结果表明,投药后污泥中微生物种类由投药前的8种减少为6种,硝化菌和反硝化菌比例有所降低,聚磷菌比例升高为6%。在低温(0~10℃)条件下,Al2(SO4)3投加量需有所增加,当铝、磷摩尔比为1∶1时,反应器出水TP、COD、TN和NH+4-N浓度方可达到一级A标准。
In this study, we investigated the effects of different A/2 (SO4) 3 levels on the removal efficiencies of TP, COD, TN, and NH4 -N. We also examined the activated sludge characteristics with the simultaneous chemical phosphorus removal in the A2/O process. The optimal molar ratio of P-to-Al was 0.5 : 1 under normal temperature conditions(from 18 to 32℃ )and the concentrations of TP, COD, TN, and NH4 -N in the effluent met the first grade A Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant ( GB 18918-2002). The results of the analysis of the activated sludge characteristics in the aerobic treatment unit showed that the sedi- mentation performance and the activity of sludge were strengthened and the values of SVI and Zeta potential re- duced from 93.8 mL·g-i to 81.3 mL· g-1 and from -5.5 mV to - 11.8 mV, respectively. The amounts of Extracellular Polymeric Substances increased by 59.9% , the ratio of protein-to-polysaccharide reduced from 5. 2 to 2. 1, and the oxygen uptake rate increased from 4.2 mg. (g. min)-1to6.7 mg·(g· min)-X(MLSS)The results of the microorganism community structure analysis showed that microbial species reduced from 8 to 6 after A12 (SO4) 3application. Nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria ratios decreased while the phosphorus-accu- mulating organism ratio reached 6%. Under low temperature conditions(from 18 to 32℃ )and at the molar ratio of P-to-Al of 1:1, the A12 (SO4)3dosage should be increased so that the concentrations of TP, COD, TN, and NH4 -N in the effluent could meet the first-grade A standards.
Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
A2/O process
simultaneous chemical phosphorus removal
activated sludge characteristics
microor- ganism community structure