
我国高校影视教育的同质化和异质化 被引量:2

Homogeneity and Heterogeneity of Visual Arts Education in Chinese Universities
摘要 受惠于始自1999年的扩大招生,目前我国大学影视教育的规模已堪称举世无双,但办学水平和质量却还难以与之匹配。站在互联网全面发展的新的历史方位,中国影视教育有哪些问题值得我们关注?或者说,需要作些什么样的改革与改良呢?我以为正确认识和处理好同质化与异质化的关系,就是其中一个十分重要的关隘。同质化是基础,是底线要求;异质化是方向,是价值体现。同质化与异质化看似对立,其实相辅相成,互为补充。这两个相互矛盾的价值标准将长期并存于我国影视教育的发展过程中。向同质化要高度,向异质化要深度和广度,应该成为当下中国影视教育改革的起点和归宿。 Benifit from the expansion of enrollment since 1999,the Visual Arts Education in Chinese universities has been developed rapidly,but the teaching level and quality fall far behind the scale. Which is- sues worthy of our attention? Or,what kind of reform and improvement is needed? The answer maybe the correct understanding and handling of the relationship between homogeneity and heterogeneity of the Visual Arts Education, among which, homogeneity is the foundation, the bottom line requirements while hetero- geneity is the direction,the value of expression. Seemingly contradictory values,but in fact, they are complement and coexist each other. To reach the height through homogenization and achieve the depth and breadth through heterogeneity should become the starting point and destination of current Chinese visual arts education reform. Abstract:Benifit from the expansion of enrollment since 1999,the Visual Arts Education in Chinese universities has been developed rapidly,but the teaching level and quality fall far behind the scale. Which issues worthy of our attention? Or,what kind of reform and improvement is needed? The answer maybe the correct understanding and handling of the relationship between homogeneity and heterogeneity of the Visu- al Arts Education, among which, homogeneity is the foundation, the bottom line requirements while hetero- geneity is the direction, the value of expression. Seemingly contradictory values, but in fact, they are complement and coexist each other. To reach the height through homogenization and achieve the depth and breadth through heterogeneity should become the starting point and destination of current Chinese visual arts education reform.
作者 李建强
出处 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第6期69-73,共5页 Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
关键词 影视教育 同质化 异质化 visual atrs education homogeneity heterogeneity
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  • 1The Wheare Committee report. The BFI and Film Edtwation. Screen, British Film Intitute, 12, Mar, 1971, p. 14. recite. 被引量:1
  • 2《韩国电影教育的历史轨迹》,电影节4卷2号,2012年版,第109-132页. 被引量:1











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